The promised easing of COVID restrictions and the reopening of schools is welcomed by District’s youth program committees. During 2021 many programs, such as RYPEN, RYLA and YEP had to be to be abandoned and others, such as MUNA, were poorly attended. School closures prevented our club maintaining contact with the local students and the teachers who support our youth programs. However, the future looks much brighter.
The promised easing of COVID restrictions and the reopening of schools is welcomed by District’s youth program committees. During 2021 many programs, such as RYPEN, RYLA and YEP had to be to be abandoned and others, such as MUNA, were poorly attended. School closures prevented our club maintaining contact with the local students and the teachers who support our youth programs. However, the future looks much brighter.
One pleasing thing was the way in which the very popular National Youth Science Forum successfully conducted a virtual forum for NYSF 2021. Our club’s endorsed candidate, Alex Vaughan, found it most interesting, especially meeting (on line) a number of NYSF alumni in their workplaces here and overseas. During the year the participants have had access to regular webinars of scientific interest. We must congratulate Sora and Marina our successful applicants for NYSF 2022. Once again the forum will principally be on line, however, the lifting of COVID restrictions may permit some face to face sessions and visits to universities and other research facilities.
Early in the New Year the club will be contacting local schools to provide them with details of our youth programs for 2022. In the meantime, we are seeking candidates for the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards course to be held 3-9 January at Stanwell Tops. Do you know anyone around 19-25 who would benefit from this life changing experience?