The Rotary Club of
Chartered 1939


 Club Bulletin - Vol 85 Issue 20  29th May 2023 
Acting Pres John Mansour   

Rotary Affirmation: 

May Rotary friends and Rotary ways help us to serve our community
here and  abroad in many ways.
Monday 29th May 2023
at CORO 88 
88 Burwood Road Burwood
6.00 for 6.15 
Robin Baird  with Sydney Metro West


From last week's meeting 


Meeting 15th May 

Pres John  Mansour opened at 625

Rotary affirmation 

Apologies: Fuad Jaafar, Lloyd Roever , Rob Whitney, Irene Giardino, John Kane,  

Birthdays: as per spoke 

Walter Bock : Rotary Anniversary  tonight, 

pp Keith Weeding : Pride in Workmanship:    Churlya may have two nominees   Keith has application forms POW. Please nominate at least one person. Would be good to have six or seven nominees. Will have the event at Coro88 which should hold  fifty.

MUNA is on at June 17th  

Pres Elect Hugo, pp Peter Moore and Dennise gave a summary of their attendance at District Assembly

Dennise summarised her ideas to improve Rotary image in the Community. We need to be visible in the community.   Awards, Primary school speaking, doing rotary projects overseas, Days for Girls, Pacific Projects,   Clean up Australia Day, environment is the new are of focus,  Community gardens 

Patricia Abraham agreed we need a strategic plan and budget. Start planning nights to organise a strategic plan 

Closed at 753

Raffle won by  Dennise

Tonight's Guest Speaker


Robin Baird  is the Sydney Metro West Communication Manager.

My current role involves engaging with stakeholders from organisations representing business and community as well as schools. Robin is passionate about  the ‘not–for–profit’ sector, communities and the development of the Sydney Metro network .

This once-in-a-century infrastructure investment will transform Sydney for generations to come, doubling rail capacity between the two CBDs Parramatta and Sydney CBD, linking new communities to rail services and supporting employment growth and housing supply.

Prior to joining the Sydney Metro team Robin has worked with the Northwest Rail Link tunnelling contractors, communications and engagement team and was the former CEO of the Sydney Hills Business Chamber. Robin has contributed to and collaborated with many organisations such as Rotary over the years and welcomes this opportunity to share information and answer questions about Sydney Metro.

Robin and  colleague Liz Davidson, Place Manager for Burwood North Acciona Ferrovial Joint Venture (AFJV). Liz will provide information about the construction activities, progress and lookahead.  Liz is your point of contact for any enquiries or concerns about  Sydney Metro West construction in the area.

Russian Invasion of Ukraine Presentationby Jerry Duma
Jerry Duma  presented a heart wrenching presentation  about the invasion of Ukraine by Russia 
RC Burwood Helps Schools in the Philippines 

Rotary Burwood District 9675’s turnover of $1,400 to Lilo-an National High School Extension Don Bosco of Cebu City via Rotary Club of Cebu District 3860 International 

A RAWCS Solution -  Destitution at Home 
A RAWCS Solution
A talk by Gary Richards, RC Engadine
Timor Leste 
Rotary Club Parkes’ annual meeting for Timor Leste
Pride of Workmanship 

The Pride of Workmanship awards have been an annual Vocational Program event for many years.

Help for Ukranian Displaced Persons  
Help for Ukrainian  displaced persons  arriving in Sydney 
News from Eurella 
Thank you Burwood Rotary 
Rotary's Commitment to Diversity, Equality and Inclusion. 
Rotary Commitment to Diversity, Equality and Inclusion 
Podcast with Sadaya Marathe 
Link to a Podcast with one of out Past Exchange Students Sadaya Marathe 
Article published by Marilie Bomediano
Article published by Marilie Bomediano regarding Container sent to the Philippines 
Report from Dinagat Island 
Fellows here is the latest from Juvie in Gingoog, they returned from the Helping Hand mission, and are now preparing for the next. We have some donations coming in, thank you, and will send every dollar over for these missions.
Those pictures give an idea of the destruction.
Report from Gingoog by PP Walter Bock 

Dear Friends and supporters,

I received another email from Juvie and MinPRA in Gingoog. Somehow, miraculously they avoided much damage to themselves. On the compound it appears two fruit trees came down and the other crop was damaged. On the mountain property the damage was even less. They hate asking for help but they would like to help the island of Dinagat where Vera took a team on a SewAID Mission a couple of years ago.

The Secrets of Scams – Athreya Kannan
The Secrets of Scams – Athreya Kannan

My name is Athreya Kannan and I work for Zip which is a credit company and we often get calls

from customers who have been scammed online or over the phone. I, therefore, wrote this up

to spread awareness of these scams so we can be more vigilant.

Rotary Youth Exchange - making a difference for life
Rotary Youth Exchange - making a difference - Reflections from a Reunion 30 years later.
The Year is 1991, two busses full of Rotary Exchange Students enter a parking lot in Sydney after 3 weeks around Australia on the “Capricorn Ramble Tour”. Saying goodbye was heart-breaking, knowing that we would soon be back home and maybe never see each other again.
Jumping to September 2021, downtown Frankfurt on a Friday afternoon in brilliant weather. Stepping out of the car to greet 3 people I have not seen for 30 year in front of their hotel.
Burwood Rotary 50th Anniversary Charitable Trust
The Rotary Club of Burwood has created the 50th Anniversary Charitable Trust with the overall charitable purpose of "relieving poverty and the advancement of education or any other matter beneficial to the community". Funds are awarded to persons who satisfy the Trustees that they are financially disadvantaged and are undertaking some form of further study/sporting endeavour beneficial to themselves and to the community in general. 
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Robert Whitney
May 9
Join Date
Walter Bock
May 20, 1974
49 years
Executives & Directors
President Elect
Club Administration
Community Service
International Service
New Generations
Rotary Foundation
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